Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Three Generations of Van Dyke

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Kaitlyn enjoys Opa's arms

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Kaitlyn followed Opa everywhere he went.

Oma & Kristina playing SkipBo again

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Clayton's 4th Birthday

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Clayton couldn't wait for his Spiderman birthday party. He enjoyed sharing his birthday with Oma and Opa, who flew in from Colorado to celebrate.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Kristina graduates

Posted by Picasa Kristina is looking forward to high school this year. Most of her friends
are going to the same school and so she's looking forward to
hanging out with them, and making new friends too. She also goes
into the high school youth group and is excited about all that she will
learn with Pastor Scott.

Eddie in football

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Are you ready for some football! Eddie is playing for CYO where he gets to learn the game of football while glorifying God and havin some fun.

Kaitlyn is 9 mos

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Miss Kaitlyn is wearing her new hat that she got from Oma. She just got her two bottom teeth and is working on the two top ones...ouch! But she's handling it with stride. She's tough!

Clayton lovin the pool

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Clayton has become a lot more comfortable in the pool and will even jump in without hesitation. He's ready to move up to level II. Way to go Clayton!
Well, August is almost over and school is just around the corner. Wow, I cannot believe summer is almost over. How quickly this summer has gone. The kids are getting ready for school. We have to get busy buying school supplies.

Kristina starts high school and is so excited and nervous. She doesn't have to wear uniforms at her new school so she's having fun shopping. She already has her class schedule and is looking forward to taking drama.

Eddie is going into 6th grade. He just started his first season of football and is very busy these next two weeks with practices everyday. I took him to get his equipment last Saturday and he was so excited to put everything on. He's hoping to be a wide receiver.

Clayton turns 4 years old this week. Where has the time gone. Wow! He starts preschool again soon and is looking forward to seeing all of his friends at "playschool". He took swimming lessons las fall and spring and is looking forward to swimming classes again this fall.

And then there's Kaitlyn, our little princess. She is 9 months old and has taken several steps. She can stand without holding on and just started crawling around on her feet and hands (the crab crawl). It is soooo funny to watch. What's even more funny is how quickly she gets around. Her new thing now is to stick out her tongue really fast and when she doesn't want anymore to eat, she blocks the spoon with her tongue. How do they know to do this? She went for her 9 mo checkup yesterday and weighs 19 lbs 2 oz and is 28 inches long. What a big girl! Oh, and she is such a daddy's girl. She loves for dada to hold her upside down and loves to cuddle with him. Dada loves it too, of course! :)