Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween Time!

So this year Matthew was Obi-Won, Clayton was Bobo-Fet and Kaitlyn was Super-Girl! They had a great time getting candy and seeing their friends in the neighborhood. Our neighborhood is so much fun during this time - festivities on the streets of Woodland. Connor and I stayed home to hand out candy...some of the costumes were very creative. Since Connor wouldn't wear his "Thomas Train" costume I wore it...hey gotta get my money's worth, right? We get soooo many children in our neighborhood - they come in carloads also...too funny! All in all, it was a fun evening...and the best part was the full moon was beautiful how it lit up the sky and NO RAIN! How blessed are we.
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My sweet friend Carrie and her husband Bart were out and about! Luv you friend, you look HOT in those boots.
and there's sweet Matthew
Kaitlyn loved seeing Sammi in her costumePosted by Picasa
even the neighbor dogs get dressed up!
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Pumpkin carving

can everyone say "pumpkin guts"? The kids love to carve pumpkins with Dad each year

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ok so I finally get some of Connorisms...we were baking Halloween cookies and Connor kept calling the flour or sugar snow...he wanted to run his trains through the snow...I get it now..I could never figure out why he would dump the salt shaker on the table or floor...moms are constantly learning new things. He had a blast but cleaning up wasn't so much fun!

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Just an fyi, wet flour is very hard to get out of your hair...Connor was in the bath for a while
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can you say "BIG BROWN EYES"
Kaitlyn loves playing around with my hat

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