Saturday, July 07, 2007

Connor 9 mos

Here's Connor at 9 mos. I cannot believe how fast time is going by. He went in for his 9 month checkup this week and he's huge! Connor is now weighing 21 lbs. and boy is he solid. Holding him for long is quite the workout. Him and Kaitlyn are just 7 lbs apart. He's definitely going to outgrow her. She's so petite. He's working on five teeth right now and they should start to come in very soon. He's eating table food but will not feed himself so I have to put things in his mouth. He crawls around everywhere and is just now starting to lift himself up more. He loves his Baby Einstein videos and playing with blocks. His new thing now is if he wants to be picked up, he head butts your legs to get your attention. He's also the quiet one of the bunch. We'll see how long that lasts. But all in all he's a pretty laid back little guy. We just love him!
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